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Become a Member

Interested in becoming a member of the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club

You don't have to be a licenced amateur radio operator to become a member.  We welcome electronics enthusiasts, shortwave listeners, or those interested in becoming a ham.

Membership fees (effective September 2023) are $50 per year (with a $10 discount for RAC members), and are renewed annually on September 1. Effective September 2023 we increased KARC membership fees for non-RAC members to cover the RAC Affiiated Club Insurance surcharge for club members who are not a current member of RAC.

Members of the same family and residing at the same residence are entitled to purchase their membership at the discounted rate of $20 each, when purchased with a main membership.

Being a member in good standing allows you access to the club repeaters, our private autopatch, IRLP and Allstar node linking, access to the kiwiSDR receiver, and to the club's remote HF station (if you are the holder of an Advanced Qualification).

We welcome new hams, and have a mentoring program to help you learn and get the most from our fantastic hobby!

Please download and fill out the PDF form below, and please email your completed form to

You may send your membership fees to our Club Treasurer by e-transfer at 

Download 2024/2025 Membership Form